What Experts Think Traveling Will Look Like Post-Covid



While the pandemic has destroyed business and homes, there’s one silver lining from it all. Namely, consumers are paying more attention to sustainability than ever before. In the future, travelers might push for more responsible policies that actively prioritize healthcare over the bottom line. So, don’t be shocked when some countries implement fly-free days or even weeks as a means of mitigating global warming.


Current movements for racial equality and representation have shined new lights in nearly all industries, tourism included. When looking at the data, Caucasians make up a huge majority of travelers, both domestic and international, and the tourism industry can be driven to attract and cater to travelers of color. However, while optimism is nice, some experts believe that any changes in travel patterns for people of color might be short-lived. However, that doesn’t mean that any changes won’t be received with open arms. For instance, travel companies are addressing the needs of trans travelers—it’s only a matter of time before restaurants in foreign lands don’t limit access to bathrooms based on just two genders.

Small Communities, Large Roles

As of right now, travelers who can’t stand staying at home are seeking options in lesser-known areas. People are no longer racing to book flights to Paris; instead, they’re looking at which smaller countries and regions have open-door policies to make the most out of the current travel ban. This poses an excellent opportunity for developing countries to enhance their tourism sector and provide a wider selection of destinations. Hopefully, if the trend continues, this will draw help distribute foreign travelers to borderline-unknown areas, thereby providing developing countries a chance to earn a slice of the tourism revenue pie.